Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gettn Stoned

I guess that title will help you to understand how your mind is oriented.

I watched a movie this weekend called "The Stoning of Soraya M." check the trailer below.

Its a harrowing tale of a young Muslim woman wrongfully accused of adultery.  It stars Jim Caviezal who play Jesus in The Passion of the Christ and is also under the same direction.  It doesnt portray Islam in a negative light  because the protagonists are corrupt men who happen to be Muslim.  It brings to light the modern day brutality that still exists in the middle east as stonings and other means of execution still occur on a regular basis. I dont think this is the point of the movie.

This movie has so many parallels with Christ's passion and death.  Someone wrongfully accused and made to suffer to be an example. Religion is used as a cover to mans brutality and sinfullness.  Religion should cause the exact opposite in us, it should bring grace which sustains our peace and allows us to overcome sin. Knowing this, its no small wonder that Jim C and the director are also part of this movie.

I highly recommend this movie but you may want to close your eyes when the stoning occurs as it shows it in very graphic detail.  This gives it the R rating.  (Phillips and Ebert give it two thumbs up).

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