Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.
Every person on Earth came from a their mothers womb, remember your time there, wasn't it grand! How fitting is it that even our Lord, Jesus Christ, also came from a woman. Who on Earth would have known Jesus any better? No matter how strong our relationship with the Lord is, it will never be like the relationship he had with his ma-ma. She had a special relationship with Him, different than ours. She was able to ask Him to do things, just like any mother would ask of a child, and as a good son, a perfect son, Jesus listened. Take for instance John chapter 2 at the wedding feast at Cana. The wedding runs dry of wine and Mary initiates Jesus first public miracle as she prompts Jesus to make more wine.
While Jesus was on the cross he told the beloved one, John, while he was at the foot of the cross with Mary, "son behold your mother" and "mother behold your son." There are books and books on these 8 words but however its interperated, one thing is clear, Jesus asks to look at Mary as not only His mother but our mother as well. Just as in a traditional and the heavenly families, the father is concerned with the direction and "grand scheme" of the family while the mother is there day to day in the trenches helping her children (thanks moms). Mothers have a special role that no man or men can ever fulfill and the Christian faith helps women live out their qualities to the fullest.
We as Catholics do not worship Mary as a god but we hold her very dear to our hearts, as we should. Many great miracles have come because of her intercession. I think there is a reason Catholics are viewed as Mary worshipers, she is highly venerated and very visible in homes, churches, and pictures. If here intercession wasnt so great, we wouldnt see such an abundance of Marian images. She works, she works for us, she works for her son. Again, we can go straight to the Father through the Son but we also have a great help in our mother who can ask Jesus to do things, he'll listen, he did at the wedding.
Imagine asking Barrack Obama to do something for you (I cant imagine what that would be but humor me on this one), he hears you but hes got some bigger fish to fry. But if you are friends with his buddy or even better, his mom, you will then get his attention alot quicker. God always hears us but he loves to use us, he loves to use his mother, he wants all of us to share in the plight of redemption, what better gift than that.
This is one of my favorite images.
Ave Maria!
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