Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why are we here?

Thats the million dollar question.  If you are like me and like everyone else in the world you have probably asked yourself that same question, multiple times, and its probably one of the best questions to ask. Depending on your philosophy or your beliefs you may say that we aren't even here or that we don't exist or that we are someones dream.  Well, if you are one of those people thanks for reading my blog because I don't prescribe to any of that nonsense but it does make you think. In, then, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict's book "Introduction to Christianity," he begins by talking about doubt and disagreement.  In this uncertainty is where believers, non believers, and people of other faiths meet.  Without this doubt there would be no meeting point or intersection for people to come together and have a real discussion about God or any dichotomous viewpoints for that matter.

The point that we as believers must all agree upon is that we do exist, we are here, and we aren't someones dream.  So now that you know you know that you know you are here we can begin thinking about what the H-E -double hockey sticks you and I are here for.

The Baltimore Catechism, which holds the basic tenets of the Catholic faith and was used by all Catholic schools in the late 1800's to mid 1900's, addresses this issue as the very beginning of the book.  We are here to love and to serve God, to show his goodness and to enjoy everlasting life with him.  Pretty simple, well......did you start, why are you still reading......go on, get goin...........are you still here. I thought I told you why you are here, so get to it.

Sounds simple, and at its core it is, but there is a deeper meaning behind it.  God has created us because he loves us and he wants a relationship with us just as we want a relationship with our families, friends, and hopefully we discover it.with God.  We all exist in relationship and we know that relationships take work, God is no different.  Our relationship with him takes time, work, effort, flowers, and chocolate (well maybe not flowers). The same things that keep us from relationship with our neighbor, our least liked neighbor, are the same things that keep us from the deepest relationship with God.  He loves the person that we like least just as much as He loves us, he made us to love like Him.  Again, it takes a herculean effort, but we are given the grace to be herculean (Jesuslean doesnt sound as good).  Just think how amazing the world would be if we all loved that way, it would be heavenly. Now Im not saying I love like this but Id like to say I try, when I want to.

This is such a huge topic and Id like to address it more in later posts, but I think the thing to take away from this is that we exist because of love, because of Love, and because we need to love Love the way Love loves us so that we can love to be in love with Love because Love loves to be in love with us and Love would love for us to love like Love loves.

It makes sense, I promise, youll figure it out.  love ya

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  1. Welcome to the Catholic Blog Directory. I'd like to invite you to participate in Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. You can read this week's host post at
