This March has been full of madness, and no Im not talking about Northern Iowa beating Kansas in the NCAA tournament. The weather we've had in the northeast has been incredible this past week, its been sunny and nearly 70 degrees for the last 7 days. Today, more madness ensued in our nations capital when certain representatives buckled and voted to pass universal health care with no "real" amendments made to protect the unborn. People are usually passionate about politics and its never a pretty discussion, so I will stay away from it, save for the next sentence. I believe everyone should be afforded healthcare, I think most Christians share this view as it comes from the beatitudes. However, I dont want my money going to pay for the killing of innocent children. Okay, Im done.
So the big matchup, Value vs. Virtue. This is a big competition and it seems to me that value is winning. In todays world everyone wants the easy way out and that "everyone" includes me too.
If we are hungry we want to be satiated instantly, instant food, fast food, like McDonald's, which tastes o so good but is o so bad. We can save some calories but get the taste, go with the XL diet coke. Gettn a little round in the waste, lets take a pill, who needs the exercise? Medication is necessary but Ive read a number of articles that talk about the over-medication of the US (here is a link). Could universal health care solve this, that remains to be seen. And here, people illegal drug use is on the decline, HA!.
What did folks do back in the day do to get by?
The drug problem is a very interesting one. Why is America so in love with both illegal and prescription drugs? We are one of the most free, wealthiest, and beautiful countries in the world, why do we need so many drugs? Latin America is thriving on the manufacturing of illegal drugs because the US cant consume them fast enough.
I believe that this comes down to perception, which has been a theme in a number of my posts. We perceive something to be true, when in fact, its a good looking lie. We are so quick to buy into it. The smiles we see on tv of the men and women sleeping around, making the big bucks, driving nice cars, wearing flashy clothes. We think its real, we go after it, we wont stop until we get it. When we dont get it, where do we turn, well I guess thats how we define ourselves.
Its amazing to me to hear all of the bashing Tiger Woods is taking. I think it helps you understand who people are when they let you know how they feel about others. Tiger Woods is a human being and what he did was awful but lets help him move on. I scratch my head when people say bad things or wish bad things upon him. Why would someone do that? I take it as that person is jealous of the money and women that he had and cant believe that he would throw it all away. Well maybe women, money, and golf isnt what life is all about, now thats a novel idea. Maybe we should feel sorry for him rather then saying "good for him" or wishing the same for someone like Bernie Madoff. People were so bitter about he did, stealing is never ok but lets look at what really matters. Is it that we are just jealous of what they have (had)? Should we not feel bad for these men and pray for them that they find what really matters, finding God.
St. Augustine, great saint, and holy man summed it up when he said "Nos fecisti ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum donec requiescat in te." Which means "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
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