Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shorty numero deuce (yea, Im tri-lingual)

Sorry again, its been a busy week but I wanted to post a little here and there until I get some more time to post.  Hopefully in between doing brain surgery and tagging great white sharks I can write about what else goes on in my life.  For those of you who dont know me please keep thinking Im a brain surgeon and a big game hunter! In reality my life is like the rest of yours, its filled with stuff. How we approach that stuff depends on our perspective.  What life is really about is relationship.  Relationship with friends, coworkers, loved ones, pets, and God.

In this blog I set out to talk about a Catholic Christian life and the joys to be found living it.  Hopefully thus far you ve learned a bit about me and the Catholic culture.  Stay tuned for more posts. But until then I leave you with this poem.

Dreamt author unknown

Sing choirs of angels, sing the song of Mercy.

O how I wish my dream was complete,
The dream of men both stubborn and smart.
This fathomless peace to us imparted,
If only we should heed the master.
How great the mercy of the King
To grant us a fire of cleansing heat.
Why is it that the Dove Divine should swoop,
Swoop to a man so wretched as I.
How I’ve chased the Dove away,
Seeking shade under the wings of some foul.
The light here has shown all, the light of Love.

Sing choirs of angels, sing the song of Love.

His peace will soon be mine and mine His.
Here in this land of the forgotten unforgotten,
I love the pain that is endured for His love.
If I only could go back and tell all the world,
Tell of the golden light burning away
The smeared stain of the fall.
This pain wrenches me, my heart spilling with love
Only longs now for the One whom it belongs.
Soon I hope to wake from the slumber,
The slumber that cleanses, Love Divine, it knows not time.
I learn love moment by moment, time does not bind.
The horizon!
The Dove is near!

I now sing with you angels, the song of Peace.

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