I hope the music didnt scare you and hopefully your coworkers arent wondering why you are listening to rap music. I heard this song the other day and really liked it, its got a really good message if you could get past the style. The artist is a Hasidic Jew featuring the "gangsta" rapper Akon. I thought if a Hasidic Jew and a rapper can get along, why cant all of us.
We all come from different backgrounds and environments but we all share the same planet. In this day and age it seems like anything and everything ticks someone off and causes a division. Two of the biggest rifts are caused in religion and politics.
This week we saw President Obama give his State of the Union address. Its strange how people can hear two, and possibly more, completely different messages from the same words. We often only hear what we would like to and evaluate based on our own feelings. Christians are familiar with the phrase and scripture, where 2 or more are gathered in my name I am in their midst. That is Jesus speaking about His presence among the gathered faithful. I am fond of another similar saying, where 2 or more are gathered politics is in their midst. I will leave politics to the politicians, what they say is often not what we get, so let them talk.
On the religion front we have much division among Jews/ Christians, Christians/ Muslims, Jews/ Muslims, and more importantly Jews/ Jews, Christians/ Christians, Muslims/ Muslims. People often say that religion is the cause of most wars. I argue that and say that it is used as an excuse for war by those who do not live out the faith they profess. If we all lived the faiths we profess the world would still have issues but it would be a much, much better place. This may not be agreeable to all but hey, its my blog, post a comment;)
I hope everyone has a great week and maybe one day.......
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